Sunday, May 23, 2010

5 weeks today!

So, today I am 5 weeks! It is still so hard from me to believe that I am pregnant. I don't think it will actually sink in until our first ultrasound where I can see my baby and hopefully hear it's little heart beating. So far, I have been feeling pretty good. I have been getting a lot more tired than normal. I am able to just fall asleep not too long after hitting the pillow. I also seem to sleep so much better, other than waking up every night to have to go pee. At least I have only had to wake up once a night. My boobs seem to be getting bigger and are still pretty sore. I haven't been to emotional or sick yet so that is a great news. I guess that sometimes doesn't hit until about six week, my fingers are crossed that I don't have any barfy moments.
I worry more and more it seems like that something may go wrong. I thing the excitement of just finding out has started to slowly take a backseat to the I hope everything is fine with the baby and I don't miscarry. I feel like everything is going so slowly and I will never make it to my second trimester. I just pray my baby stays safe and tucked inside for the next 8 months.