We finally went back to the fertility dr and started yet another round of fertility treatments. Baseline u/s went well no cysts to worry about and was told to start my meds. This time they had me on 5mg of Femara cd 3-7, 75iu of Follistim cd 3-6, and 75iu of Menopur cd 8,and 10. I went in for my follical check on cd 10 and they found 2 nice sized follicles and some smaller ones, they had me do one more shot of Menopur cd 12 and trigger cd 13 and head on back for the IUI on cd 15.
The IUI went wonderful DH's swimmers looked great, and the IUI went smooth no pain at all. The nurse said to call her in 14 days and give her the good news of a Positive Pregnancy Test.
I thought our tww would fly by since we were going to El Paso, TX to visit DH's Grandparents and Dad. Little did I know the TWW doesn't seem to go any faster when you are busy on vacation. We have been back for a week now and that brings us to 13dpo.
Today, I took my temperature like normal and surprise, surprise my temp is still up! That is pretty strange for me, so I descided to test. I have been "feeling" pregnant this last week. I have been so so tired and have had a headache for the past week. So, I had some high hopes to see a BFP this morning, but yet once again another let down.
At first the negative tests didn't bother me, and I just figured they must be wrong. But, now I know they are not. I have been PMS'ing pretty bad this afternoon, everyone and everything is pissing me off. And most of all I am about to break down and start to cry for really no reason at all!
I guess I have a reason, another negative pregnancy test. I just don't understand why I just can't get pregnant. Really is it too much to ask for? We have been having unprotected sex and not trying to prevent a pregnancy for 2 1/2 years and trying with medical help for 16 going on 17 months now. I never thought it was going to take this long. I thought the most maybe 6 months to a year, but that time has come and gone.
I told myslef I was not going to cry and get upset this cycle if it didn't work we would just try again. This TTC stuff is so much harder than I ever let on and I even try to fool myself. All I have ever wanted is to be a Mom and sometimes I feel like it is not going to happen. I try my hardest to stay positive and think positive thoughts. For the most part I think I do a good job it's just the last few days of the darn TWW that is so hard. When I just know in my heart it is not our month yet again.
I supposse I am still not out of the game just yet since AF hasn't even arived, but I am pretty sure I am. So, I guess time to start planning what to do for our next cycle.
Oh hunnie I'm so sorry this wasn't your month :( I wish there was something...ANYTHING..that I could do to take some of this pain and frustration away from you. Know I love you and am ALWAYS here for you! BIG HUGS!!!