Friday, March 5, 2010

Please work with me body... PLEASE!!!!!

Well, we went to back to the doctor last week, and spoke to him about what our next step should be. The Dr went over a blood test they had given last time we were in his office. The blood draw was to test my insulin levels they came back in the normal range but high normal, so we decided that we will try Metformin to see if that regulates my hormones and everything. From what I have read this could help me get pregnant! Then we got into the good stuff...the meds. We decided to stay around the same track as before, femara and injections. But this time, we are going to do femara cycle days(cd) 3 thru 7 but add the follistim injections those same days and add another type of injection Menupor on cd 8 and 10, then the trigger shot and IUI. I am hoping with the extra meds it does the trick and bing, bang, bomb we are pregnant. We are all ready to get started we are just waiting for my period to get here so we can start. Which brings me to my WONDERFUL body.
We have been on our little ttc break since October every month I have ovulated anywhere from cd 16-19. Well of course this month since I am ready to start trying again my body doesnt want to ovulate! WTF! So now on cd 23 I still dont think I have ovulated..bummber. I would really just love for aunt flow to get here so we can start trying again. I am just getting really frustrated that my body will never just go with the flow and do what it's supposed to.

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